Handmade Furniture, Guitars, Boxes and Cases




    Cheryl is my oh so lovely and patient wife. She handles the books and is a top notch finisher too. When I get buried she's always willing to help any way she can. She also handles all of my photography as well as her own photography projects which are mostly animals at the Humane Society where she volunteers.



    I'm the cook, chief and bottle washer. I handle pretty much all of the design, engineering and fabrication of your piece or product. It's a lot to handle, but I wouldn't have it any other way. You can read all about me on the "about" page.
  • Feline Support Staff

    We're their staff, that is.... Always at the ready for attention ... or comic relief are Cleo and Boo. Cleo is my design consultant and office companion-

    Boo faithfully fills the same role for Cheryl -


    Court Jester

    Daisy was our resident shop dog and expert at getting in the way. She was old and fragile, but she still followed me out to the shop to "help". Sadly, after a really good 11 year run we had to say goodbye as she crossed the rainbow bridge.
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